Tuesday 12 May 2015

What would you have done differently if you had it all over again? How do some people survive certain circumstances and others do not? Why do some people live and some die before their time? How can people be so cruel to their fellow humans? Is revenge such a bad act? Are we just puppets being oppressed by the powers to be? Was it easier in the ‘good old days’? Was it your fault? Was it out of your control? Do we simply think too much and act too little too late? Everyone at one time or another would ask themselves and make attempts to clarify the same or similar questions of their continuation. Have you been walking along the beach, or strolling aimlessly in a holiday destination, or on your favourite morning saunter and have your mind wander positively towards the beauty of the scenery and the world in general only to have it interrupted by the negativity of past decisions and nagging detrimental reflections. Don was no different. As this book reflects on his childhood, and the secluded lifestyle his dire informed upbringing ensued, he wondered what triumphs and differences may have presented if other lifestyle decisions were made available to his parents on settlement in Australia. Although he does not bask in consequential remorse for his bush upbringing, because the facts are he had a great beginning in childhood, but, at times, parts of those early years and following has him ruminate and question the choices taken.
Would his life have been richer if he was nurtured in a different locality such as the city or its suburbs? He was far removed from political and bureaucratic harangue, and isolated from the mainstream commerce and industry experienced by others in main cities. Maybe if he paid more attention to the likes of schoolbooks rather than partake in the mischievousness he so voluntary shared in a different path could have transpired. Open to conjecture is whether or not blame should be laid on the place of nurture or his own initiatives, or if the lack of initiative was the blame of the place which subsequently played a role in his inability to channel life in certain directions. Or is initiative something one can learn within any specific environment, or without any particular or necessary ingredient?
Conversely, when presented with the facts, looking back on his younger years he had no parental ‘cotton wool’ wrapping to stifle his visions or freedom, experiences were there to be experienced and restrictions limited. In the past parents were not as paranoid as they are today, not because they did not care about their children, after all, horrific things happened then as now (the missing Beaumont children for example), but today, with population augmentation, greater cultural diversity, and local and international media propaganda surfeit on all topics having a much greater reach, it all combines to freely offer the creation of mass trepidation which so easily allows for a contribution to the over cosseting and oppression of children. 
To be continued.........................................................
Buy book at:               amazon.com/author/dennisdurant
Or visit my website: dennisdrnt.wix.com/fictitious-facts

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