Wednesday 13 May 2015


Continued........................The people have become fearful of right over wrong due to the many bleeding hearts and the minority voice which is spread so selfishly and without honourable considerations through expressions of technology for profit. Yesteryear parents were encouraged to discipline children with a smack. One could be strapped at home for bad behaviour. Primary and high school rules and ethics were enforced with the ‘cane’ or the ‘feather duster’; chalk or other items were thrown by the teacher to gain attention. Don had to be strong in the playground and understand the pecking order of those stronger. If he had a problem with another he would be encouraged to ‘box’ it out in the ‘ring’ and shake hands after. He was taught to stand up for himself, accept defeat graciously and celebrate the spoils of victory. He ate what he wanted, as did his parents, and was ignorant to words like diabetes, cholesterol and cancer. Shoes were a rarity only to be worn on special outings, and laws did not exist to order the donning of bike helmets, seat belts or special child restraints in cars. People living in this conservative environment did not have to contend with the breathalyzer, speed cameras, traffic lights, road rage, or credit and debit cards. They were not bombarded with signs, mobile phones, computers, internet, social media, television, advertisements, and other technological advances intensifying information overload. All this tends to add to the disruption of family life and nullify physical activity to contribute to varying degrees of corpulence and robotic functioning which we accept as normal today.
In childhood Don was oblivious to child pornography, same sex marriage, terms like ‘paedophilia’ and world conflict. Life was free from the domination of hungry lawyers and over imposing government regulations. With no thought of malice he could call an ‘Aboriginal’ an ’Abo’, an ‘Italian’ a ‘Wog’, an ‘Englishman’ a ‘Pom’ and others common slang expressions which rarely attracted complaint or attention. The saying ‘sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me’, was a phrase with meaning and authenticity. He was taught not to swear in front of women or children and show obeisance to the elderly or those less fortunate than himself. ‘Gay’ meant happy. Words or phrases like ‘political correctness’, ‘discrimination’, ‘sexploitation’, ‘degradation of women’, ‘racial slurs’, ‘homosexuality’ or ‘lesbianism’, and everything said, done, or experienced today is categorized as prejudice for or against a group or an individual’s moral standards and is received as exploitative, hurtful, vexed or discriminatory. There is little tolerance to fellow beings, and the law suppresses freedom of speech in places of work, sport, even in the home and within the company of those whom should be trustworthy enough to allow for the divulgence of opinions. Don was allowed guns, catapults, knives, bow and arrows. He hitchhiked, never heard of fast foods such as ‘McDonalds’ (not sure if they existed then). He would play games such as ‘Cowboys and Indians’, be outside all day running and climbing without parental supervision. The use of hands and mind were utilized in the construction and amusement of ‘billy carts’, tree houses, farming and movement, not lethargically housebound playing computer games. Obesity was not as common as today due to the natural play relating to exercise; he could eat what he wanted because he burnt off more energy than he took in. 
TO BE CONTINUED.........................................

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