Thursday 14 May 2015


INTRODUCTION continued Part 3.
Then everybody assimilated and fit into the ‘Australian culture’. If someone entered the country illegally they would be dealt the full force of the law; now we generously provide for them and prioritise in cases of unjust acts based on race. With the influx of all people from all corners of the earth it is being made a lawful directive the Australian people assimilate into the way of life of the many minority groups rather than the other way around. Problems with such inequitable rationale is the abundance of people entering from other civilizations bring with them different traditions, customs, ethics, philosophies and religions. Hence, as each group opposes Australian customs in favour of their own practices the many varied beliefs provides for confusion in laws and social harmony. Religion and apparel in schools, ‘Santa Claus’, ‘Christmas’, ‘Easter’, nursery rhymes like ‘baa baa black sheep’ and terms such as ‘gollywog’ or the courtesy for the ‘Queen’ and her Anthem or the now ‘Australian Anthem’, are all going unnoticed as they change or are changing to suit different minority groups. Some of these groups show offensive and xenophobic behaviours towards Australia, they can burn the Australian flag and call out discriminative names as they see fit, but one dare not openly oppose their laws or creed or burn their discipline. You go to another country and you are forced to show compliance and act accordingly to their rules and regulations, and rightly so, the same rules were apparent for those entering Australia when Don was a child. Nowadays, it seems the core values of the past appear evermore eroded by a changing society being desensitized in the manifestation of expression and forced upon them is a binding yet distorted tolerance. Australians are becoming marionettes to foreign ideals, religious goals, political rapacity and affluent entrepreneurs to experience a festering subjugation; thus leading to the loss of Australian values to external coercions.
As individuals from other cultures take lead positions in Australia in education, religion and political authority, intolerances to freedom will escalate as each group contests ‘Australian’ beliefs to preserve their own customs. Separatism already opposes local ecclesiastical laws, cultural harmony, and political unions as it once stood, unlike before the ‘50’s’ when patriotism was emblematic of the nation. Today Don may be confused and in awe of the results of his own upbringing, but he can be appreciative of the circumstances and living conditions the few years his childhood offered. In youth he was not privy to the constraints and rituals of today’s involved world because growing up in a rural environment gave his parents a safe haven to raise children (as they thought). Those ‘good old days’, a term for which the ethical and disciplined past emphasizes what adults today relate to when they describe the correct influence for a good upbringing. So how did it go so wrong for Don? What was the catalyst which sent him on the road to hell? And could it have been avoided? The values and attitudes within Don’s infancy so far conveyed in this short prelude, later offer question whether or not ignorance and the lack of knowledge was a reason for performing the sins he did. And if it be true evil is inherent in all of us from birth, then could this together with such an upbringing explain why he did not control his inner conflict? The Spartans, Attila the Hun, the Vikings, Hitler and many others add perplexity in reply to this question. One could argue, no matter in what environment, history has confirmed there poses an unquestionable iniquity in all walks of life and in all types of situations.
In this book I have mixed facts with fiction and told many anecdotes as well as I can remember, all reminiscent of photographs shown and of yarns told. But like most narratives there needed an accelerator in life to impart those stories, for me the mechanism which got this book started was a form of diary, tatty records I jotted in my teens providing now the memories of past behaviours of Don Scotsdon, his family, friends, enemies and experiences. These facts, mixed with fabrication and imagination, will I hope provide entertainment and insight into his tolerance for the debauchery, stupidities, dangers, and immoral actions he became involved in. And I ingeminate upon the reader, this book and the course of the stories are mostly of notional vagaries in the life of Don. There are nonfictional elements I tell from personal experiences to base my works, and I do consider the possibilities of the reality of the fictional tales to be very feasible because from the core of the beginning we are all related to the generations before and since time began there remains few matters exclusive or without equal. In Don’s upbringing, being uninformed and void of worldly knowledge due to isolation of abode, sanctioned independence which allowed for a less worrisome existence; supposedly?
There are so many unanswerable questions as to why Don followed the path he did, and as you read and maybe identify with his gloom, joy, beliefs and background, I hope you enjoy adding opinion to some of those questions. So as I begin a part of Don’s journey through life I question those old-fogeyish ideals of the ‘good old days’, when times were less troublesome, people behaved with decorum, and everyone allegedly acted with moral justifications.

Memories clouded by the immaturities of childhood become nothing more than fantasies in the world of adults:-Dennis Durant.

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