Monday 25 May 2015


CHAPTER ONE Continued............
It became crucial for Rene to help as much as possible around the farm, most times she would need to care for her children whilst feeding the hogs, usually in freezing conditions with rain pelting down and mud splattering up her legs.
The workload and debt took a toll on their resources, this coupled with family commitments and long hours became too much to bear. Even finding enough food for the pigs was a difficult task. Ted would do the rounds of the bakers and the greengrocers to collect free scraps but as people bought less, less was produced and eventually there was insufficient scrap to sustain the pig’s well-being. He was spending more money on feeding those pigs than they were worth. His solution was to collect the many stray nuisance dogs roaming freely, butcher them and feed them to the pigs. This worked for a while but as he exhausted the supply of dogs the same problems existed. They had to subsist on a daily pittance and with the enormity of the workload forever increasing he found himself spending more time away from home than when in active duty; also the price of pork dropped even more and the farm fell further into financial difficulty. The only solution was to salvage what remained, this involved giving up the dream of self-sufficiency for now and selling the pigs at auction. They sold at a loss, and what money they did trade for was consumed on debt. The Scotsdon’s were broke and disappointed but still indomitable and confident; Ted was never one to concede defeat and his positive disposition always gave Rene the strength to strive forward in attempt of amelioration for her family. So, once more with no gainful occupation in sight he was back to the unemployment queue, but with dignity intact.
Because Rene spent so much of her married life without the continual presence of her husband she could not be totally aware of the subliminal influence her mother was having on her marriage. When Rene, Ted, Zoe and Tim began to spend more time at home as a family, Rene’s mother would sense the loss of her offspring, and her sensitivity to loneliness was plagued upon her daughter. Rene herself knew very well of the terrible feeling of isolation and forlornness. When she took the kids around to visit, her mother would create trouble by inviting old boyfriends around and ensuring Ted was informed of her officious deeds. She was constantly trying to split them up and apparently with the lies told and torment caused she nearly succeeded. In better times much further in the future Ted stated;
       “Rene’s mother is in the best place she could ever be.” He was asked the question;
       “Six foot under,” was his reply.
Ted eventually attained employment as a bus driver in London. His mother-in-law knew the earnings he derived from his meagre remuneration and the long hours designated was insufficient to achieve a comfortable living, and she knew once again her daughter would be at home alone for extended hours. She took every doable occasion to ‘rub-it-in’ and every opportunity to remind Rene about their deficient lifestyle and of the worthless man she married, she nagged her unendingly about the doomed future they would share together if she stayed with him.

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