Wednesday 26 August 2015

Next months new release: Fictitious Facts III 'Equanimity'.

New release: Fictitious Facts III 'Equanimity'.
It was difficult lazing around with ideas in mind and constantly attempting to dismiss the call from within to put pen to paper; it stands to reason it was only a matter of time before the fabrication of ‘Fictitious Facts III’ – ‘Equanimity’ was launched into creation.

Like a composer in which each musical notation orchestrates into a tune in an effort to create a memorable piece, a writer endeavours to colligate the words to form a narrative of sequence and coherency to produce a memorable reading. I have yet to discover the secret formula, a certain scintillating prose working in unison to form an unforgettable level of perfection. One could imagine it being like such things as the form of a woman, the penchant for a particular wine, gustatory likes or dislikes, or the love of someone or something. The memorable part of pleasure is the bit which invigorates the senses and psyche in such a way to transcend expectations over other sentiments, this part lies in the mind of the beholder and is the part all writers seek to accomplish. Naturally it stands to reason not every song, book, wine, woman, or food can please every individual because preferences of each percipient varies accordingly, but we can place our trust in the fact that any one particular song, book, wine, woman, or food type, will give pleasure to someone. I hope reading this book enchants and gives pleasure to you and you are one of many who find it memorable and entertaining.

In the two ‘Fictitious Facts’ books prior, and following their raunchy meetings in adult life, Don Scotsdon and Sally Rob’s coercion into a world of assassinations and undercover work was not in the beginning a chosen option, but now they have grown accustomed to the risks and exploits associated with the lifestyle of operatives in Dillard’s underworld. The nature of each mission and their growing affection for one another enhances a reliance on a life filled with danger. Together they relish in copacetic relations, personal satisfactions, the spoils of unlimited money and the travel demanded of them. In this reading they combine to forge even a stronger and more genuine concern for each other’s welfare; even moreso than in previous adventures. Many life-threatening undertakings persist throughout each prescribed operational task in which entwinements in concurrent ventures test Don and Sally’s abilities, and the nature of their restive and menacing occupation, endures a continuance for release in liberal sexual practices which go way beyond the limits of normality.
Their allegiance to Dillard and his influential yet anonymous officials who hold positions of supreme importance are still evolving. Before they became obligated to respond in service it would have been delusional to believe a high degree of dedication was present on their first meet in Melbourne, all those years ago when it was they who needed help. Yet as time passed, due to the familiarity and knowledge acquired within the ranks of Dillard’s organisation they became so deeply involved there was no choice but to follow orders. Today they choose to offer their loyalties because they enjoy their work, but this has never stopped Dillard getting up to his old tricks and using those loyalties for self perpetuating interests.
In this book, Dillard takes advantage of Don and Sally’s trusting nature when he exercises his manipulative streak by exploiting shots fired which leave him in a serious and hospitalised state. It was an inspired and shrewd performance even by Dillard’s standards, all designed to fish out an informer from inside his own organisation. Don is then temporarily charged with the responsibility of operations and the rectification of internal betrayals regarding the leaking of secret information. As always Dillard has a card up his sleeve for personal and financial gratifications and along the way gets Don involved in another wrangle with their old arch enemy ‘Kamaliyah’. Early on during this ongoing fiasco and turmoil Sally saves the life of a prostitute by the name of ‘Candy’ whom later turns out to be someone with greater problems than first expected. Following many twists and turns in this saga and after tying up loose ends, a slow period in their work schedule allowed Don and Sally to take what was supposed to be a day off for recreation. Don wanted to introduce Sally to his parents and convinced her it was the right thing to do; it was not. Their visit was cut short by Don’s perceptive analysis of danger lurking close-by; he recognised a threat to himself, Sally, and his parents which once again created a life threatening scenario involving a car chase and a shootout. Don was not as lucky as Sally in this instance and suffered a wound.
Back at the office and under Dillard’s protection Sally was given an offer of an assignment in Malaysia. Sending her alone was against Don’s better judgement because his feelings for her were now bonded emotionally and physically. Once in Malaysia she comes across Candy again, and in a turn of events discovers the probability of a terrorist attack. Due to her inquisitive nature, and a bad judgement call involving this girl, she gets herself involved in a near death situation. Don, Dillard and others become entangled in Sally’s findings and they band together to rescue her while probing for the true facts to quell the attacks, but a lack of sound intelligence from Malaysian sources influenced Dillard to temporarily change his interests from the terrorist saga abroad to concentrate on local concerns at home which were impacting on his personal remunerations. This job required Don and Sally to fulfil a conniving scam in Perth involving the acquisition of rare gems; as usual nothing goes to plan. When the handover occurred it brought with it its own problems, and the unfinished business resulted in an obligation to visit the Ukraine in Russia to hand deliver the gems to their new owner, an industrial chemist billionaire with business interests mired in technologies exploiting atomic waste. Before they set off on this mission Dillard wanted time to further his investigations into the ramifications of such risky obligations, so in the meantime he employed Don to attend a meeting at Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne. It was supposed to be another simple task involving negotiations with a few of Dillard’s drug dealing customers in which a shipment of narcotics was delivered to a warehouse, he was enlisted to ensure the deal took place accordingly and the money paid fittingly. Again, Don fell to fallacious hope regarding the simplicity of the deal. What was supposed to be an easy transaction turned nasty.
When that ordeal concluded it was time to deliver the gems to Chernobyl in Russia. Don and Sally fly to Estonia, the first leg of their journey before Ukraine. On the plane they were treated to a welcome break from the tedium of work as a happy meeting with an Egyptian hostess took place, she was a beauty who held no inhibitions and pleased beyond her employment obligations. Once they reached the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine and the gems were safely in the hands of the billionaire’s courier, Don and Sally’s job was finished, but Don was suspect of the facilities purpose and found questionable the owners research activities so he took it upon his self to undertake night time investigations. This move presented more danger than he bargained for and led to connections with the Malaysian bomb scenario and Kamaliyah. He barely survives the clash and escapes with nothing but a few worthless documents.
After many traumatic experiences, just when they thought their dramas were over, and were relieved to be on a flight back to Australia, they encounter more dilemmas. A plot to kill them for the documents seized at Chernobyl forced a crash landing in Sri Lanka in which brought more problems needing Dillard’s attention. Once back in Australia unfinished business meant one last job was deemed necessary to tie up loose ends. It involved the assassination of a scientist from the Ukraine who escaped and made his way to Sydney. The stakeout and shootout which followed saw a lucky escape For Don and Sally. With their bodies still intact it was suggested it be their final mission until a well earned vacation be afforded them. Sally was ecstatic to go anywhere, but Don knew very well Dillard always had an ace up his sleeve and any destination chosen would be for whatever reason other than to appease their request for a holiday. If they were to go somewhere, Don knew Dillard would plan to deceive them again regarding the trips real purpose.

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