Sunday 21 June 2015

Chapter 2 continued...........

Chapter 2 continued.........
When he poked his head out the door to search the deck he caught glimpse of the two fighting and baulked daunted before dashing to hide behind the staircase to remain inconspicuous. From there he viewed Battista on the ground bleeding from facial wounds and his father standing over him. Now Don was very scared and intimidated, he froze, watched, listened, and heard Battista say in an arrogant and offensive tone;
       “I’ll have you up for assault and then you’ll be in the ships’ brig and why your there I’ll have my way with your precious daughter. You won’t stop me. Ya fuckin' Idiot.” Battista laughed scornfully as he strained to his feet. Ted said;
       “Ohhh no you won’t.” He grabbed him to hit him again, they struggled, Ted fought like a Kilkenny cat as they neared the railing of the ship, he picked up Battista bodily and in the gravity of intense fury threw him over the side into the endless dark ocean. Don could hear the faint scream in the strong wind and ran inside petrified but unseen.
Ted looked over the side with a torrid mental rejection of his own actions, then he scanned up and down the deck in shock of his instinctive yet deadly reaction, as he became sanely aware of the outcome he took one last look over the side, but saw no sign of Battista; he was gone in seconds. He looked left and right along the empty deck again and again and was confident he was not seen. He wiped his clothes free of ruffle, gathered his senses and went inside to the bathroom to freshen his appearance.
Once Don got inside he was sheepish looking, his mother asked;
       “Are you okay? Did you find your father and say goodnight?” With a sense of guilt and overtones of quailed reflections, he answered;
       “No mummy, I didn't see ‘im.” Ted joined his family at the table as if nothing happened. On one hand he was tense but on the other hand glad the problem had been disposed off. Don said his goodnights and slept in disbelief to what he witnessed.
During the trip when Zoe and others commented they had not sighted Battista for a while, Ted answered;
       “He’s probably in his cabin suffering from seasickness like a lot of the other passengers.” Zoe accepted her dad’s explanation but Rene showed her suspicions by later asking;
       “It’s strange Battista just disappeared. Did you say anything to him?” Ted replied;

       “I asked him to stay away from Zoe and told him people are talking about them and it doesn’t look good, maybe he listened and is staying clear of us, or maybe he really is seasick. How would I know?” Rene’s insight to her husband’s character was sufficient enough to know he was withholding information, but because she was glad she and Zoe had not seen him for a few nights she refrained from further inquiry.

SAKI- The drunk Aussie monk

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