Saturday 20 June 2015

Chapter 2 continued

Chapter 2 continued.................
Over the next few days Battista refused to heed Ted’s warning and blatantly breached Zoe’s space with disturbing commitment. He did this in company and with fun attached to ensure his actions could not be construed in any way to amount to unlawful molestation. He plumed himself in the knowing, if Ted hit him with witnesses present he could take legal action. Ted was not going to go to a cell for anyone, but he knew he had to put an end to the pandemonium because Battista was portraying a confidence flaunting an open infatuation, it was getting out of control and he was getting away with it. Ted knew for sure Battista’s obsession was far from any puritanical legacy, and if he let Zoe out of his sight for any period of time her safety would be compromised. So as not to make a scene Ted tried to get him on his own again, but he was clever in his movements and stayed well clear of Ted’s advances. Instead he manipulated Zoe’s affections in the hallways and in places Ted was absent, or on the dance floor in full view of everyone to nullify an attack. Both Ted and Rene spoke to her constantly about his improper advances but she was too innocent to realize her ease of association was influencing his behaviour; just like any teen she knew best. Ted thought: ‘I have to be patience and wait my chance. He’ll not get away with it much longer.’
Ted watched his every move with determination. After dinner on a moonless, cold, windy, blusterous evening, Battista finished his meal and went outside onto the deck for reasons known only to him, maybe for a smoke, fresh air, or exercise, whatever the reason it was a lapse in memory on his part. This was the opportunity Ted was waiting for. He followed him, cornered him, and firmly made his case clear;
       “I’ve fuckin’ warned you sunshine, over and over again. Stay away from my daughter or it will be the last thing you do. Do you understand?” He paused before clinching his fist at his face; “I will not tell you again.” Battista laughed condescendingly, as he turned his back on Ted to walk away he replied with impudence and gall;
       “You can’t do a thing about it. Piss off!” The derisive reply once again saw Ted disparaged to the point of rage. He laid one hand on the shoulder of Battista, forcibly spun him around and whacked him firmly on the lip with a right hook, then followed with a left jab to the stomach; he went down squealing like a pig. Ted stood over him about to affirm once again his dictate but he moved suddenly, swiftly swiping his leg in a low circular motion at Ted's legs knocking him off balance, it was just enough to allow himself freedom to get up and attempt scamper to the safety of inside, but Ted tackled him around the waist and pounded him again and again with his fists.
While this ruckus was evolving Don was told by his mother, who was oblivious to the whole goings-on outside;
            “It’s time for bed Don. Go and find your father and say goodnight.” Don remembered seeing his father go outside and went looking for him. 


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