Friday 25 March 2016

Fictitious Facts I 'Cultivation of a Murderer'. continued CH16

Chapter 16
A New Friend - Kolora

Eternal ennui set in from the tedious participation of eight months already served at high school. Don was going through the motions of a daily grind without expression of contempt, this change in behaviour come about because he knew his parents were content. His consideration for their feelings was closely attributed to the understanding of their struggle to date and a beginning of his own maturity.
Each morning, from the cul-de-sac in which Don now lived, demanded a long walk down the hill to the main road to board the school bus. He found a shortcut through a narrow track adjacent to his home which offered a quicker access to another pick up shelter on the same route. It was this track he walked daily and would keep to himself, except for this one morning which fate coerced a chance meeting with a girl. As he appeared from the cover of the trees on the way to the bus stop he was confronted by a girl being bullied by a smaller but intimidating flabby boy. The boy snatched her school bag and ran away acting like a pudding head. She gave chase with loud abusive language. Don shouted;
       “Stop! Bring that back here and stop being a dick head. Drop my bag I said or I’ll smash your head in.” When he saw Don approaching in canter he ran faster and purposely opened the bag spreading the contents over the footpath, then he threw the case to the ground and disappeared while shouting snide obscenities. Don helped the girl gather the scattered material and asked;
       “Why did he steal your bag?”
       “I don’t know. I think he’s a bit retarded. He doesn’t go to school and some mornings he waits here and bothers me. I’m scared of him. I told my dad but he goes to work early and doesn’t believe me anyway. Thanks for helping. My name’s Kolora. What’s yours?”
       “Don,” he replied with a smile.
She was pleasant and welcoming on first meet, unlike others so far acquainted with. The first distinguishing feature was her huge breasts which took one’s attention away from other attributes. They engulfed a rather short but curvy stature hidden under scraggy shoulder length black hair and freckled cheeks. She was about the same age as Don and dressed in the school uniform of the day; a pleated grey hemmed petite skirt, a white collared blouse buttoned up the front, black shoes, short white socks and a green and red striped tie. She proved to be very inquisitive. He knew his sexual edification was developed for his age because of relations with Fran and the infantile sexual discussions he hears from others older than himself at school, but whether he was as sophisticated as he thought for his age was yet to be confirmed. One thing he did know, he wanted to fondle those two soft fleshy glandular organs sticking out so prominently from her chest. They boarded the bus together, swapped family stories and immediately developed a friendly relationship.
From that point onwards, on the trip to and from school Kolora would summon Don with a wave or other gesture for him to sit with her on the back seat of the bus; usually in the corner where the lower parts of the body were hidden from the mirrored view of the lecherous glares of the driver. The bus was never crowded allowing them freedom to move and to some degree privacy to share their stories and intimate indulgences. As they grew fonder of each other, Kolora would snuggle closer and constantly tease him by running her hand up and down between her legs, lifting her skirt higher with each roaming search and pausing intermittingly at the top of her inside thigh. Don could only imagine how moist her canal was and the thought of rooting someone besides Fran presented a mental picture of ecstasy and excited him to the point of seminal fluid leaking and making wet and uncomfortable his underwear. He went one step further by squeezing and caressing her breasts but it was difficult to impress because of the awkwardness of space and the thought of unwanted intrusions. Besides, he wanted to be a little hesitant in showing unbecoming fascinations, he did not want to seem over eager and blunder future opportunities. It turned out his concerns were unfounded because it became quite obvious she wanted what Don fantasized about.
Another day she instigated every move, she placed her hand on his bare knee, and beyond her years while stroking herself she slowly and gently slid the other up his shorts smothering his penis and rubbing it gently; from side to side, up and down. Although her hand movements were restricted it was sensually mind-blowing for Don, and totally different to the ‘slap bang thank you mam’ in and out sex of past experiences. His excitement grew and grew, now he knew there were no boundaries to her cravings for sexual participation. Alone on the back seat, yet still showing a sense of guilt, he took the precaution of putting his jumper over their lap to evict prying eyes, or on the off chance someone decided to walk up the back to meddle. He rested his hand on her leg, she reacted forthrightly exerting control by pulling it upwards onto her wet panties and manoeuvring it in a circular motion over her vagina. Through the thin cotton he could feel the thick bushy hair and a fine notable and distinctive crease. They were nearing their destination, Don did not want the fondling to end, but in one way he was glad because he was burning with desire and another minute would have caused him to fully blow his bolt. He considered ejaculation to be messy at the best of times, let alone in his pants and thought: ‘A wet patch would be embarrassing and terribly uncomfortable, and under the circumstances everyone would notice it when I got off the bus.’
The bus slowed, they giggled and straightened their attire. Don wrapped his jumper around his waist in a knot with the sleeves covering his exaggerated damp area. Kolora had red rosy cheeks, her hair was brushed back with perspiration and when they stepped off the bus the driver gave a sly grin, a look which could be mistaken as contentious or envious. They were unsure if he knew of their promiscuous activities or was just being pleasant. When the bus drove away and they crossed the road she said with cunning intentions;
       “Com’on, I’ll walk home with you.” They were in earshot of others from the bus. Don scanned their mannerisms and wavered in thought; a conscious impression of sniggers and whispers formed in his mind assumptions of sarcastic mockery; just like the bus drivers smirk. Maybe his response was a misrepresentation in interpretation of people just completing their day in normal natter, nevertheless, he incriminated himself by assuming they all knew what happened on the bus, and for a moment this reduced his confidence into a state of self-doubt. She continued her encouraging endearment with caper and slapstick; he took a deep breath and tried to dismiss all negativity associated with a cautionary approach, besides the lure of her appeal far outweighed possible busybodies spreading rumours. She had him wanting; he developed an impassioned concupiscence for her flesh, finally but eagerly he replied;
       “Okay, that‘ll be great. What time do ya ‘ave to be home?”
       “Anytime,” she replied. “My parents are at work and don’t get home ‘till dark. Anyway we won’t be long.” Don was unsure what she meant by; “…we won’t be long.”
They continued with gaiety to the entrance of the track, talking and sharing in childish pranks like pushing and prodding explicit areas of choice, all the time she knowingly used her puckish charm to seduce his inner desires. She pushed him hard on one side of his chest knocking him off balance, then run quickly away on the narrow winding track into the woods. Don gave chase and caught her quickly in a place of seclusion, he dropped his school-case and clutched her around the torso; she turned around laughing. While he squeezed her huge breasts into his chest she linked her lips onto his with explicit timing. Her conduct took him by surprise, he had never been involved in passion; just sex. It was an emotional sensation never before experienced and wholly approved by clenching her tighter and joining the action. Tingling sensations ran rampant through his body giving instant rise to his penis. His hard-on pressed against her and he began gyrating, she released her grip on him and stepped back a pace. He thought: ‘I knew it was too good to be true. What have I done wrong? My lack in skills has undone a perfect root’. Unknown to him she was in complete control and in an orotund tone of uncouth rawness she asked;
       “Have ya done it before? ‘ave ya fucked?”
       “Yes, of course,” he answered in a proud and bumptious manner. “Many times.” Impishly initiating a seduction she asked;
       “Good, let’s do it now. Do ya won’t to?”
       “Yeeaaa,” he drooled. “That‘ll be great,” he added with pompous enthusiasm. She picked a patch of grass-covered ground, clear of hard objects like sticks, and spread both jerseys over it before pulling her skirt up around her waist and sitting. The impression of hesitation on Don’s face was obvious. She asked;
       “Don’t ya want it now? ‘Or ‘ave ya changed ya mind? Are you scared?” Defending his mettle he retorted;
       “No! I’m not scared. Of course I want it.” The truth was he was very nervous, yet motivated by the fear of failure. Without delay, with a compulsion to prove his manhood, he undone the clasp on his shorts, unzipped his fly and dropped his ‘duds’ to his ankles. Kolora leaned back resting on her elbows with her legs slightly apart. He kneeled and took hold of the top of her pants to remove them. With her knees bent upwards, her legs closed willingly for the strip. She lay back fully, spread her legs again and rest in waiting, then without a sound she undid the buttons on her blouse, removed it and rolled it into a pillow for her head to rest on. Her breasts were beautiful. They were large, well rounded with nipples projecting like a mouthpiece on a baby’s bottle. Don’s penis was protruding above the elastic of his underpants; he could not take his eyes off her and shed the diffidence accompanying earlier thoughts. On opening her legs fully she exposed naked a huge bush of black curly hair parted down the middle in perfect symmetry. A full and throbbing dick generated an unfamiliar side effect; all the blood cumulating in one area left him with a vertiginous rush.
After managing to steady his-self, he inserted one finger into her mushy tight opening. She let out sighs of pleasure and swirled her thighs erratically;
       “Ooohhh, don’t stop, don’t stop, oohhh.” Now, her full wetness ensured, with wild enthusiasm she bent forward and tugged at his underpants. Don stood and removed them, and not before time, if he kept fingering her it would have been too late because the feeling of a warm irritation inside wanted to release imminent pressure in mid air. His body shrouded hers and gradually, without burden, slid his solid penis into her inviting cavity. She wriggled and clinched him tightly into her breasts. Her upper leg joints clamped together, inserting an unbearable but exquisite force around his member; his brain and body was hers to rule. Ten seconds of racy ‘humping’ was all it took before the enjoyment converged with impending results; the pleasure was too great. He could feel the irrepressible urge to ejaculate, yet knowing it was too early he tried to hold it back while simultaneously not wanting to slow down. Accelerated violent thrusts stimulated a large gush of creamy sperm to its journey end; it catapulted into her foreign passage. The inexplicable impulse ended way before he wanted it to, but he was happy with himself and considered the triumphant finale a conquest.
After lazing a second he lifted his weight off her and kneeled in ready to stand, she smiled and relaxed in the horizontal for half a minute while Don slid into his underpants. Instantly his thoughts aligned to the potential problems of pregnancy. He was educated enough to know about the implications of shooting one’s load inside a female, and about the importance of pulling out in time, but the gratification of ejaculation was far better and quicker than ejection, and his brain, taken prisoner by lechery, worked just as slow as his common-sense. Don pulled his shorts up while she stood, wriggled into her knickers and fastening the buttons on her top, she leant forward, pecked him on the lips and said;
       “I ‘ave to go now, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
       “Yeah, good. See ya later.” This was about the only response he could muster. Although aware of his swiftness in delivery he was of the understanding she took pleasure from his performance and was expecting an accolade or two, but it was not to be and he began to feel a little humiliated. He compensated for any hurt in pride with egotistical self-regard and concluded there was no imperious demand to provide his partner with sexual satisfaction because the point of gratification was self absorbing.
Kolora picked up her school bag and slowly walked away giving one last wave as she moved out of sight behind the thick vegetation. When Don got home he was glowing from ear to ear and beaming with arrogance; he was very pleased with himself. Strutting around like a lone bull amongst its harem, his mother’s womanly intuition sensed something different about him and asked;
       “How did you go at school today? Did you enjoy yourself? How come you’re so late?” He was not sure which question to answer first but realized they were asked with a degree of flippancy, therefore he was careful not to display excitement because he definitely did not want to be interrogated; besides she was accustomed to his apathetic responses where school was concerned, so while proceeding eagerly to his bedroom he replied;
“Yeah okay I guess. I was playing with friends.”

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