Wednesday 2 September 2015


Chapter 4 continued.............
When she returned home with her arm in a sling, upon first entry in facing the family, she burst out in a lusty guffaw to hide her embarrassment and went on to endorse gingerly the obvious with sarcasm towards self clumsiness;
       “You have to be dumb to fall out of a stationary car don’t you?”
       “Well you are”, replied Tim with brotherly sardonic pleasures.
       “Leave her alone,” Ted barked. “She needs rest and is in no state for stupidity.” Following this reprimand Bing walked in, and much to Zoe’s delight and Ted’s trepidation he immediately begins cosseting her like a queen. She thrived on the attention and Bing enjoyed the fact she was home bound and helpless.
Around this point in time Ted saved a small nest-egg and gave great thought towards prospects in work and housing outside of the comfort zone of the ‘Hostel’. He was an altruist whose sole aim as patriarch was to care for his family and try to offer them the best chance for success in life. He was making the most of the limited leisure time he had available to scour newspapers for business opportunities outside of the square; he thought the ‘Hostel’ had been good to them but it was time to move on. One factoring fixation of influence to his thinking was; he could see Bing and Zoe getting a little too cosy together and preferred they break and be of a larger distance away from each other. Also, he was truly passionate about wanting to sample new adventures and test other moneymaking prospects. His reasons took in a diverse mixture of considerations, each one egging him on to change the present circumstances. His concerns about Zoe were not placed on a complete disparagement of Bing’s calibre, it was more to the fact he thought her too young to be getting so heavily involved in an immature crush, and as most fathers would think in the same situation, he was not impressed with any boy who intimately invaded the space of his daughter; as proven by the secret surrounding the disappearance of Battista. It became very clear to him his concerns could well be ascertained as correct because the fulfilment of Bing’s endearing demeanour was ultimately captivating all her attention.

Bing, being a lot older than Don, was in his last few years of completing school. In many ways Don was a lot like Bing, who in his younger days would go to school in the mornings and walk off the grounds at recess with his mates to ‘hitch’ a ride back to the ‘Hostel’. Letter after letter from school authorities were sent home to Bing’s parents in disapproval of his raft of truancies. They punished him severely, countless times, and ‘strap’ after ‘strap’ to his rear was painfully applied; but all to no avail. He continued such taxing conducts all through his schooling years. Don enjoyed the familiarity Bing undertook to establish a friendship with him and his family; even with the age difference they shared a bond. His continual presence was prioritised towards Zoe, and being friendly to Don was probably an excuse to help prevent invidious discrimination from other family members, but regardless of the reasons for his amity, and the likely tactical obsequious charm, he was good to Don and his friends. He would spend a lot of time teaching Don to swim in the water hole located a short distance from the ‘Hostel’ and took a great interest in his safety; sadly he was not so prudent as to the relevance of his own wellbeing and continued to do stupid things. At times his inanity was surpassed only by his inability to realise the consequences of his actions. He and his mates climbed out of the window of a moving train, just like in the Western movies, and stood on the roof top playing ‘chicken’ with the face of overhead tunnels. The rules, unlike the skills in reflex, was lacking in complexity; as the tunnel grew nearer and nearer the first to ‘duck’ would lose.

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